Newly Added Cocktails

AdultBar added the Little Manly Beach to its cocktail database and is clear in color and is good with tea and other new additions like the Saint Francis Xavier and Gras also added to the cocktail website Blue Hula Highball and the mixed drink Zabrze and some of the best cocktails in the world like Farringdon cocktail.

Little Manly Beach
Apple Liqueur - Apple liqueur is made by distilling apples into a full flavoured from apple liqueur.
Wine White - White wine is produced by the alcoholic fermentation of the non coloured grapes which may have a skin of any colour.
Soda Water - Carbonated water also called sparkling water or club soda or seltzer is water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved.
Ice - Ice is water frozen into a solid state and can come in wet ice cubes and dry ice cubes and is used to chill cold and lightly delute cocktails to make them smoother.

Build in a glass by adding apple liqueur and wine white as well as soda water with ice and served cold in a gobl...

Saint Francis Xavier
Gin Kyoto - Kyoto Gin made from rice spirit and botanicals including yuzu gyokuro tea and sansho pepper.
Mirin Shio - Shio Mirin or salt mirin is a type of rice wine and a common ingredient in and is similar to sake but with a lower alcohol content and higher sugar content.
Tea Matcha - Matcha Tea is a finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves that originated in China.

Stir with a bar spoon gin kyoto and mirin shio as well as tea matcha and served warm in a coffee glass.

Gin Hemp - Hemp gin is made using locally grown organic hemp and when blended with carefully selected botanicals creates a truly contemporary style of hemp gin.
Cucumber Juice - Cucumber cleaned and cut then made into a juice.
Pickle Juice - Pickle juice is made from pickle brine or is salty and has a high vinegar content.
Ice - Ice is water frozen into a solid state and can come in wet ice cubes and dry ice cubes and is used to chill cold and lightly delute cocktails to make them smoother.

Stir with a bar spoon gin hemp and cucumber juice as well as pickle juice with ice including cucumber baby and ...

Blue Hula Highball
Okolehao - Okolehao made by sailors from fermented roots of the ti plant in the 1780s. In 1790 an escaped convict brought distillation to Hawaii using the ti beverage to produce a highly alcoholic spirit which became Hawaiis only indigenous alcohol.
Hawaiian Punch Blue - Blue Hawaiian Punch also called the berry blue typhoon is a bright blue drink with a full sweet
Lemon Juice - Juice of the lemon is about 5 to 6 percent citric acid with a pH of around 2.2 giving it a sour taste.
Soda Water - Carbonated water also called sparkling water or club soda or seltzer is water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved.

Build in a glass by adding okolehao and hawaiian punch blue as well as lemon juice with soda water including ice...

Apple Schnapps Schonauer - Apple Schnapps Schonauer is a alcoholic beverage made with distilled apple spirit.
Tea Peppermint - Peppermint Tea made from dried peppermint leaves and aids with digestion.

Stir with a bar spoon apple schnapps schonauer and tea peppermint and served warm in a coffee glass.

Vodka Chase - Chase Potato Vodka is the worlds first super premium English potato vodka. Made on the family farm in Herefordshire Chase are the only distillery to offer a premium vodka that is made entirely from seed to bottle giving a quality vodka with provenance.
Feijoa Cider - Feijoa Cider is a fermented beverage made from from feijoa fruits water and sugar also known as pineapple guavas are tropical fruits native to South America.

Build in a glass by adding vodka chase and feijoa cider and served cold in a old fashioned glass.

Cocktail Styles