Newly Added Cocktails

AdultBar added the Holiday Cosmopolitan to its cocktail database and is light olive in color and is good with afternoon tea foods and other new additions like the Blue Alexander and Wild Berry Vodka also added to the cocktail website Miners Axe and the mixed drink Na Zdravia and some of the best cocktails in the world like DiBenidetti cocktail.

Holiday Cosmopolitan
Vodka 1965 Reserva - 1965 Reserva Vodka comes in a high quality spirits in a reusable stainless steel hip flask and is a silky and smooth wheat vodka with a round and long finish.
Orange Liqueur Bondi Liquor - Bondi Liquor Orange Liqueur made with peeled oranges and combined with native quandong our orangecello captures the best of sweet and sour.
Lime Juice - A lime is a hybrid fruit which is typically round lime green 36 centimetres in diameter and contains acidic juice vesicles that are are broken.
Cinnamon Syrup - Syrup made from water sugar and cinnamon.

Shake in a cocktail shaker vodka 1965 reserva and orange liqueur bondi liquor as well as lime juice with cinnamon...

Blue Alexander
Gin - Gin is liquor which derives its predominant flavour from juniper berries. The term gin is a abbreviation of Geneva.
Curacao Blue - Blue curacao is a liqueur flavoured with the citrus of the laraha fruit grown on the island of Curacao.
Cream - Cream is a dairy product composed of the higher butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization and one half of half and half.
Ice - Ice is water frozen into a solid state and can come in wet ice cubes and dry ice cubes and is used to chill cold and lightly delute cocktails to make them smoother.

Shake in a cocktail shaker gin and curacao blue as well as cream with ice and served cold in a saucer glass.

Wild Berry Vodka
Vodka Rose Conrad Distillery - Conrad Distillery Rose Vodka flavours of strawberry and pineapple are complemented by notes of hibiscus from the rose wine coupled with the smooth silk mouth feel.
Strawberry - The strawberry is a widely grown hybrid species of the genus Fragaria collectively known as the strawberries. It is cultivated worldwide for its fruit.
Blackberry - Blackberry is an edible fruit produced by many species in the genus Rubus in the family Rosaceae.
Raspberry - The raspberry is the edible fruit of a multitude of plant species in the genus Rubus of the rose family.

Build in a glass by adding vodka rose conrad distillery and strawberry as well as blackberry with raspberry incl...

Miners Axe
Crabapple Liqueur - Crabapple Liqueur made from the pulp and juice of the crabapple then distilled into a sharp strong alcohol bright red in color.
Beer Brew Stout - Stout is a dark beer that includes roasted malt or roasted barley hops water and yeast and is a dark top fermented beer with a number of variations including dry stout oatmeal stout milk stout and imperial stout..
Beef Steak Rib Prime - Prime Rib Beef Steak is like a chop on the bone and best cooked as a group and is best cooked with a smoky BBQ flavour.

Build in a glass by adding crabapple liqueur and beer brew stout as well as beef steak rib prime and served room ...

Na Zdravia
Borovicka BVD - BVD Borovicka is a pine spirit with folk alcoholic drink borovicka is an integral part of the Slovak cultural heritage and although many written memories are irretrievably lost we can read from the preserved that borovicka began to be produced in the territory of present day Slovakia and also known as Juniper.
Water Hot - Hot water is a transparent tasteless odorless and nearly colorless chemical called H2O.
Beef Steak Flank - Flank Beef Steak is a cut from the belly and is best cooked by char grilling then slowly braised until soft and tender.

Build in a glass by adding borovicka bvd and water hot as well as beef steak flank and served room temperature in...

Pimms No2 - Pimms No2 is based on scotch whisky and was phased out by new brand owners The Distillers Company in 1970.
Amaro Zucca - Zucca Elixir Rabarbaro Amaro is an Italian produced bitter with rhubarb infusion.
Soda Water - Carbonated water also called sparkling water or club soda or seltzer is water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved.
Ice - Ice is water frozen into a solid state and can come in wet ice cubes and dry ice cubes and is used to chill cold and lightly delute cocktails to make them smoother.

Stir with a bar spoon pimms no2 and amaro zucca as well as soda water with ice and served cold in a goblet glass...

Cocktail Styles